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Hearings are the University’s formal process for determining if a student or student organization violated the Code of Student Conduct. Most cases are resolved through an informal resolution process, but a student may opt for a hearing instead.

  • Hearing Preparations: The student will be asked to submit any information (written statements, witness names/contact info, etc) for the hearing packet. The responding student and the hearing body will receive a hearing packet in order to review all the information prior to the hearing beginning. The student may pick this up 5 days prior to the hearing occurring. The student may request a meeting with Student Conduct to discuss the details of the hearing process and to raise any procedural or other questions.
  • Hearing Body: There are two hearing options for conduct cases. Cases are typically heard by a campus hearing panel consisting of faculty, staff, and students. Cases may by heard by an administrative hearing body (i.e. a conduct staff member) if suspension/dismissal are not a likely outcome and if either 1) the student has not engaged at any point in the conduct process or 2) the student prefers an administrative hearing.
  • Hearing: On the day of the hearing, the hearing body convenes and reviews the hearing packet. The hearing is tape-recorded, and the student can bring an advisor and a silent observer to serve in a supportive role for the student. The hearing agenda typically consists of a Student Conduct staff member sharing information about the case and acting on behalf of the University community, providing any relevant witnesses, and then the student sharing any information and providing witnesses. The chair facilitates the hearing and may institute time limits or other ideas that promote a fair and educational hearing process.
  • Deliberations: After hearing all information related to the incident, the hearing body convenes in a closed session to determine if the student is responsible for violating Code of Student Conduct. The hearing body will make a finding of ‘responsible’ or ‘not responsible’ for each charge outlined in the hearing packet, using the ‘preponderance of the information’ standard of proof (defined as “more likely than not”). If there is any finding of responsibility, the student and student conduct will provide information relevant to sanctioning. This will include any prior conduct history, information about the student’s educational status, and a recommendation for sanctions.
  • Outcomes: The hearing body will provide a hearing report outlining the finding of responsibility and recommendation for sanctioning. The report is sent to the student and to the Dean of Students (or their designee). The Dean of Students accepts the finding of responsibility but may adjust the sanction if appropriate. Student Conduct will provide the student with the final decision letter via email.